

IdeaWatch 2.0 - Geld voor een goed idee

Goed idee, maar geen startkapitaal? Kijk dan eens in deze lijst:

Business 2.0 magazine has made [...] a list of 20 ideas that prominent venture capitalists are itching to finance. [...]
  • $5 million for “an in-dash computer with a keyboard built into the steering wheel and a full-screen heads-up display projected on the windshield.”
  • $3 million for “a database package with designs to up-end the big players in the market.”
  • $4 million for “a next-generation battery called an ultracapacitor that charges in seconds, not hours, and can power a multitude of devices.”
  • $2 million for “a lithium-ion battery with five times the life of anything found in cell phones, PDAs, or cameras.”
  • $5 million for “a web-based spreadsheet platform for revenue forecasting and analysis
  • ....
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