“If ice falls into the ocean in icebergs that's due to processes thousands of years ago.”
Weer iemand die enige nuancering aanbrengt in het bekende Al Gore verhaal: Prof Plimer, een vooraanstaand Australische geoloog deed onlangs een aantal opzienbarende uitspraken:
Solar activity is a greater driver of climate change than man-made carbon dioxide, [...] “I think we really are a little bit naive to think we can change astronomical and solar processes.”
[...] about 0.1 per cent of the atmospheric carbon dioxide was due to human activity and much of the rest due to little-understood geological phenomena.
“It is extraordinarily difficult to argue that human-induced carbon dioxide has any effect at all,” [...] There had even been periods in history with hundreds of times more atmospheric carbon dioxide than now with “no problem”, he said.
"Great icebergs come off, not due to temperature change but due to the physics of ice and the flow of ice,” [...] “If ice falls into the ocean in icebergs that's due to processes thousands of years ago.”Interview met prof. Plimer op Sky News:
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