


Kijk maar eens in uw supermarkt of warenhuis of u hier iets van herkent:
1. Shopping carts.
2. Desirable departments are far away from the entrance.
3. The toy section is far, far, far away from the entrance.
4. Impulse-oriented items are near the checkouts.
5. The most expensive versions of a product are the ones at eye level.
6. Items that aren't on sale are sometimes placed as though they are on sale, without using the word "sale."
7. Commodity items, such as socks, are surrounded by noncommodity items, such as shirts and jeans.
8. Slickly packaged items alternate with less slickly packaged items.
9. Stop, stop, stop.
10. Staple items are placed in the middle of aisles, nonessential and overpriced items near the end.
11. Prices are chosen to make comparison math difficult.
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Zie ook (pdf) presentation on the art of department-store layouts
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