

Seven Random Facts about Me

De 7 Random Facts About Me kettingbrief is ook aan LinkNotes niet onopgemerkt voorbij gegaan:

Zep from The Insect tagged me with the “7 Random Facts About Me”- meme. The rules are simple:
"Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog post with their 7 things as well as these rules. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. Remember to leave a comment for them letting them know they have been tagged and to read your blog."
Here are my random facts:
  1. My first post on this blog: LinkNotes: Google Maps of 2006-09-09 was my first blogpost ever.
  2. This one is number 2130 and I still enjoy blogging.
  3. Although I like to blog about new computers and innovative technology I am using just a simple pentium 3 desktop computer.
  4. The same applies mutatis mutandis to my other faforite subjects: gadgets and design.
  5. This blog started in Dutch but becomes more and more International
  6. Vrijwel ieder item bevat echter wel wat Nederlands.
  7. Seven random facts are not many, but Google knows all about me, just checkout Google search
Tagging 7 people is a bit too much for me. Following Zep let me tag three: Benedict from TechCorner, Steli from A Supercool Blog and Tony from Bonez

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