

Rare Screenshots

Earlier (LinkNotes: humor) we reported about a strange error message of the sicial bookmark site, captured in the screenshot

Today from blogs on Google's Blogger (including LinkNotes) we received the following message:

The problems lasted longer than the "30 seconds", but fortunately Blogger is up again.

Let's collect these screenshots as curiosities like rare stamps, artwork etc.

update: indeed, on Google Blogscoped we read:

Blogs hosted with Google’s Blogger are down right now (like the official Google blog, for instance). A search for [] returns around 34.5 million blog pages, which all seem to be affected. Someone by the name of Pete who says he’s a Blogger engineer in a Google group states:

Blogger and Blog*Spot are currently down and unavailable. Engineers are working to bring things back up, and should have everything working again in the next few minutes.

Sorry for the outage