

From Vista to Ubuntu

ZDnet author moves from Vista to Ubuntu

ZDNet UK - Where Technology Means Business

Matt Loney's Blog

Sunday 21 October 2007, 11:26 PM

Why I've moved from Vista to Ubuntu 7.10

Posted by mattloney

I've been using Windows since it was battling for desktop supremacy with GEM in the early 90s. In the mid 90s I spent several years producing newspapers on Apple Macs. Since the late 90s I've dabbled with Linux, but there have always been compelling reasons to return to, or stick with, Windows. No more, for two reasons: Vista, and Ubuntu 7.10 (ala Gutsy Gibbon).

blog it
About Vista
* Why is Vista so slow (part 1)? [...]
* Why is Vista so slow (part 2)? [...]
* Why is Vista so slow (part 3)? [...]
* Why does the screen blank out every time I try to run a program? [...]
About Ubunto
Ubuntu has the slickest installation I have yet found in any OS.
Ubuntu makes it supremely easy to install extra software packages.
Ubuntu has a wonderfully useful and responsive 3D desktop, [...]
Ubuntu generally works just fine on my Santa Rosa laptop