

Green Blood

Power Up with Wheat Grass — The Green BLOOD!

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Green Blood Therapy: Cure for Many Diseases

Do you know wheat grass? It has carbohydrates, proteins, all essential minerals and vitamins. As wheat grass juice bears a close resemblance to the “hemoglobin” in our blood, the juice is often called as “green blood” and the therapy using it is called as “green blood therapy”. Wheat grass juice is a complete food.

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Wheat Grass

Wheat grass is a humble weed that is a powerhouse of nutrients and vitamins for the human body. In the form of fresh juice, it has high concentrations of chlorophyll, active enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients. According to Dr. Preety Agarwal a famous Alternate therapist, one ounce of wheat grass juice is equivalent in food value to two and a half pounds of green leafy vegetables.

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