

Navizon - Transform your Cell Phone into a GPS Device

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Navizon is a software-only wireless positioning system that triangulates signals broadcasted from Wi-Fi access points and Cellular towers to help the users find their way in most major metropolitan areas worldwide.

The Navizon network is based on a collaborative database. Members with a GPS device can use Navizon to map the Wi-Fi and cellular landscape in their neighborhoods. Once they synchronize their data, it is made available to all the other users of the network. This way, users who don't have a GPS device can benefit from a positioning system. And it's free for personal use!

Navizon works on any Pocket PC equipped with Wi-Fi and/or cellular phone (GSM)

blog it
Shareloc's blog - Navizon's community weblog: Navizon now available for the iPhone
Navizon virtual GPS system now iPhone-friendly - Engadget
Navizon "virtual GPS" comes to iPhone - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
Using Wi-Fi/Cellular in P2P Positioning