

Terabyte Thumb Drives

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Terabyte Thumb Drives Made Possible by Nanotech Memory

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Silver eletro deposit grown on a solid electrolyte
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Researchers have developed a low-cost, low-power computer memory that could put terabyte-sized thumb drives in consumers' pockets within a few years.

Michael Kozicki, director of Arizona State's Center for Applied Nanoionics, has developed a new type of computer memory that he claims is cheaper and more energy-efficient than current technology.

Photo: Michael Kozicki

"A thumb drive using our memory could store a terabyte of information," says Michael Kozicki, director of ASU's Center for Applied Nanoionics, which developed the technology. "All the current limitations in portable electronic storage could go away. You could record video of every event in your life and store it."

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related: ASU - Arizona Institute of Nano-Electronics