

deCODEme - Personal Genetic Scan

The company that has led in the discovery of genes that confer risk of common diseases is empowering individuals to explore their own genome
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What is deCODEme?
deCODEme is a living website which will be continuously updated with information by deCODE genetics' team of experts. Now you can study your genome profile in an easy manner guided by the scientists who discovered the genes.

  • For only $985 we scan over one million variants in your genome
  • Calculate genetic risk for 17 diseases based on the current literature
  • Find out where your ancestors came from
  • Invite friends and family, compare your genomes
  • Get regular updates on future discoveries and a growing list of diseases and traits

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deCODE Launches deCODEme(TM)
DNA Direct Talk » Blog Archive » deCODEme: First "Genetic Scan" Launches
LifeSciencesWorld : deCODE Launches deCODEme(TM)