

Futuristic User Interfaces

From Science Fiction movies we are already familiar with exotic computer interfaces like the one's designed for this purpose by Mark Coleran Visual Designer:

See also
In real world there is already notable progress in technology of advanced computer interfaces, like:
[...] The problem of tracking hands and fingers on natural scenes has received much attention using passive acquisition vision systems and computationally intense image processing. We are currently studying a simple active tracking system using a laser diode (visible or invisible light), steering mirrors, and a single non-imaging photodetector, which is capable of acquiring three dimensional coordinates in real time without the need of any image processing at all. Essentially, it is a smart rangefinder scanner that instead of continuously scanning over the full field of view, restricts its scanning area, on the basis of a real-time analysis of the backscattered signal, to a very narrow window precisely the size of the target.

For some other futuristic user interfaces see:
via: Advertising Lab: future of advertising and advertising technology: Fictional Interfaces