

The iTablet

Apple tablet is in development

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11/06/2007, 8:35am, EST

ASUS: Apple tablet is in development
Apple is in the middle of developing a tablet computer, according to contacts within ASUS speaking to CNET.
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Apple Tablet PC is real, says Asus

We checked back with our source at Asus on a different day and they confirmed that the Apple Tablet will not be based on existing Asus designs such as the R1. It will come from a completely new blueprint, possibly based on the patent Apple filed back in May 2005. We're guessing it'll be based on Intel Core architecture, a tweaked version of Leopard, and have all the multi-touch, CoverFlow goodness we've seen in the iPhone and iPod touch.

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via: ASUS claims Apple is hard at work on a tablet computer | SCI FI Tech for Tuesday, November 06, 2007 | SCIFI.COM
related: Electronista | ASUS: Apple tablet is in development
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