

Dutch Government Requires Open-Source

The Dutch government has set a soft deadline of April 2008 for its agencies to start using open-source software

clipped from
The Associated Press

Netherlands Adopts Open-Source Software

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) — The Dutch government has set a soft deadline of April 2008 for its agencies to start using open-source software — freely distributed programs that anyone can modify — the Netherlands Economic Affairs Ministry said Thursday.

Government organizations will still be able to use proprietary software and formats but will have to justify it under the new policy, ministry spokesman Edwin van Scherrenburg said.

Van Scherrenburg said the plan was approved unanimously at a meeting of two parliamentary commissions on Wednesday.

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Ministerie van Economische Zaken - NEDERLAND OPEN IN VERBINDING
The Associated Press: Netherlands Adopts Open-Source Software
Dutch Government Requires Agencies To Use Open-Source Software | December 14, 2007 | AHN
heise online - Netherlands supports open standards and open source Nederlandse overheid vanaf april 2008 over op OpenDocument - Updated
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