

New animals found in Indonesia

A Giant Rat and a Tiny Possum

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Two new mammals found in Indonesian 'lost world': green group

JAKARTA (AFP) — Two mammals believed new to science have been found on the latest expedition to a virtual lost world found in Indonesia's Papua in 2005, Conservation International (CI) said Monday.

"During the June expedition, the team documented two mammals, a Cercartetus pygmy possum, one of the world?s smallest marsupials, and a Mallomys giant rat, both currently under study and apparently new to science," CI said.

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BBC News
Giant rat

The 1.4kg Mallomys giant rat is one of two species of mammal found by Conservation International on an expedition to the Foja Mountains in the north of Papua province, Indonesia.

Pygmy possum

This tiny species of Cercartetus pygmy possum - one of the world's smallest marsupials - is also thought to be new to science after being spotted in the remote jungle.

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