

The next generation hydrogen fuel storage materials

Researchers Discover New Hydrogen Storage Material

Scientists at the University of Virginia have discovered a new class of hydrogen storage materials that could make the storage and transportation of energy much more efficient — and affordable — through higher-performing hydrogen fuel cells.

“These materials are the next generation in hydrogen fuel storage materials, unlike any others we have seen before,” Shivaram said. “They have passed every litmus test that we have performed, and we believe they have the potential to have a large impact.”
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Record-breaking Hydrogen Storage Materials For Use In Fuel Cells Developed

Illustration of new class of hydrogen storage materials. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Virginia)
clipped from
UVA Today

Adam Phillips, left, and Bellave S. Shivaram (Click for high res)

The inventors believe the novel materials will translate to the marketplace and are working with the U.Va. Patent Foundation to patent their discovery.

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Researchers Discover New Hydrogen Storage Material
Record-breaking Hydrogen Storage Materials For Use In Fuel Cells Developed
U.Va. Scientists Discover Record-Breaking Hydrogen Storage Materials
Hydrogen economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Truth About Hydrogen - Popular Mechanics