

CAPTCHA Security Broken

According to a blog post by a Russian security researcher the CAPTCHA system used by Yahoo! may have been compromised.
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CAPTCHA Security Broken - Delight For Spammers

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Early CAPTCHAs such as these, generated by the EZ-Gimpy program, were used on Yahoo. However, technology was developed to read this type of CAPTCHA.

Early CAPTCHAs such as these, generated by the EZ-Gimpy program, were used on Yahoo. However, technology was developed to read this type of CAPTCHA[1].
A modern CAPTCHA. Rather than attempting to create a distorted background and high levels of warping on the text, this CAPTCHA focuses on making segmentation difficult by adding an angled line.

A modern CAPTCHA. Rather than attempting to create a distorted background and high levels of warping on the text, this CAPTCHA focuses on making segmentation difficult by adding an angled line.
Another way to make segmentation difficult. Crowded symbols can be read by humans but can't be segmented by bots

Another way to make segmentation difficult. Crowded symbols can be read by humans but can't be segmented by bots

Network Security Research and AI

Yahoo! CAPTCHA is broken
Few months ago we received information that yahoo CAPTCHA recognition system exists in the wild with the recognition rate about 30%. So we decided to conduct few experiments. We explored yahoo CAPTCHA and designed a similar system with even better recognition rate (about 35%). The vendor was notified. The vendor didn't reply. In this article we’ll present you our own research.

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CAPTCHA Security Broken-Get Ready For More Spam
CAPTCHA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tools available to beat Yahoo!'s CAPTCHA system |
Spam nightmare looms as CAPTCHA is defeated - News -
Network Security Research and AI