

HECToR supercomputer launched

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The Press Association

HECToR supercomputer launched

The largest and most powerful computer in the country has been unveiled.

clipped from
BBC News

Edinburgh site for super-computer

One of the most advanced super-computers in the UK is to be sited at Edinburgh University.

The £113m machine, Hector (High End Computing Terascale Resources), will be used for solving complex problems by researchers across the country.

It will cover the size of two tennis courts and be capable of 60 million million calculations a second.

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Inside the UK's fastest machine

£113m HECToR will help British researchers simulate everything from climate change to financial markets

The High-End Computing Terascale Resource, or HECToR as it is known

The High-End Computing Terascale Resource, or HECToR, is owned by the Research Councils of the UK and will be used by scientists to simulate everything from climate change to atomic structures. It could run at speeds of up to 63 teraflops or 63 trillion calculations every second. Photograph: Murdo MacLeod

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