

Nanoptek -- Cheap Hydrogen From Water Using Solar Energy

About a new way to make hydrogen from water using solar energy with process, cheap enough to compete with the cheapest approaches used now and no release of carbon dioxide.
Technology Review - Published By MIT

Cheap Hydrogen

A new process uses sunlight and a nanostructured catalyst to inexpensively and efficiently generate hydrogen for fuel.

Nanoptek, a startup based in Maynard, MA, has developed a new way to make hydrogen from water using solar energy. The company says that its process is cheap enough to compete with the cheapest approaches used now, which strip hydrogen from natural gas, and it has the further advantage of releasing no carbon dioxide.

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In the electrolysis process, electricity passed between two
electrodes immersed in a water and salt electrolyte dissociates the water
into pure hydrogen and oxygen.

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Technology Review: Cheap Hydrogen
Nanoptek Invents Low-Cost Efficient Hydrogen Generator