

SHOW Lensless PicoP Projector Set for Launch

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World's Smallest Projector Set for Launch

The world's smallest business and personal projector could arrive in stores later this year.

Just 12 months after demonstrating a working prototype of the world's smallest projector, Redmond, Wash.-based Microvision is unveiling a fully functioning, self-contained prototype that should be available as a real product—possibly from Motorola—later this year.

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SHOW Lensless PicoP Projector World's Smallest
The tiny device (no bigger than the iPods that can provide content) can shoot a WVGA (848x480) image onto virtually any smooth, light-colored surface. Three colored lasers can project a five-foot diagonal image from five feet away.

Microvision SHOW PicoP Projector at CES 08

You have been reading over the past several months about the PicoP mini projector from Microvision. Recently, Microvision announced that they will be displaying their new product, code-named SHOW, at the CES in Las Vegas.

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World's Smallest Projector Set for Launch - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
The World's Smallest Projector - CES 2007 Coverage by PC Magazine
SHOW Lensless PicoP Projector World's Smallest: Science Fiction in the News
News at About Projectors » Blog Archive » Microvision SHOW PicoP Projector at CES 08
Microvision: Pico Projector Displays
Microvision to Unveil Handheld ''Plug-and-Play'' Pico Projector for Mobile Devices That Delivers a Home Theater-Sized Viewing Experience