

The Asteroid Tagging Competition

Tagging and tracking an asteroid that might be on a collision course with Earth, a competition.
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THE PLANETARY SOCIETY - The largest independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental space advocacy group on Earth.
THE PLANETARY SOCIETY - The largest independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental space advocacy group on Earth.

How do you tag and track an asteroid that might be on a collision
course with Earth? The first place winners of The Planetary Society's
$50,000 Apophis Mission Design Competition presented their innovative solutions at a press conference today in Pasadena, California.

The winning entry for the Apophis Mission Design Competition (credit: SpaceWorks / SpaceDev)
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First place went to the team led by SpaceWorks Engineering, Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia in conjunction with SpaceDev, Inc., Poway, California for their mission, entitled Foresight. Mark G. Schaffer served as Principal Investigator. The Foresight team takes home $25,000 in prize money.

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Foresight, the winning design for an asteroid hunter, uses off-the-shelf technology and pared-down mission specs to create a satellite that can be manufactured and launched for less than $140 million.

Image: The Planetary Society

The competition was named after the asteroid Apophis, which will come near Earth in 2029.

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Universe Today » "Foresight" Wins First Prize in Apophis Asteroid Tagging Competition
Georgia-led team wins design competition for asteroid-tagging - San Jose Mercury News
Competition for Asteroid Hunter Announces Winner
Apophis Mission Competition Update: Planetary Society Names Winners - What We Do | The Planetary Society
Apophis Mission Design Competition - What We Do | The Planetary Society