

Beyond Four Dimensional Space-Time

According to some advanced physical theories more than our four dimensional space-time dimensions are needed for a complete description of the physical universe. The nearly-completed Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may be able to provide insight in the shape of these alternate dimensions.

Large Hadron Collider May Help Us Glimpse Into another Dimension

High energy collisions could create particles that bounce off the walls of other dimensions… (credit: New Scientist)
High energy collisions by the nearly-completed Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may be able to generate particles that are sensitive to dimensions beyond our four dimensional space-time. These exotic particles, called Kaluza-Klein gravitons, would be highly sensitive to the geometry of extra-dimensions, giving scientists an idea about what lies beyond our universe. If these particles are detected, and if their characteristics can be measured, then perhaps the extra dimensions predicted by string theory may be proven to exist…
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Particle Accelerator May Reveal Shape Of Alternate Dimensions

ScienceDaily (Feb. 4, 2008) — When the world's most powerful particle accelerator starts up later this year, exotic new particles may offer a glimpse of the existence and shapes of extra dimensions.

Adds Underwood, "If the cosmology and particle physics data agree, it's an indication we're on the right track."

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Universe Today » Large Hadron Collider May Help Us Glimpse Into another Dimension
Particle Accelerator May Reveal Shape Of Alternate Dimensions
String theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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