

IBM's self-assembling nanotechnology

Self-assembly is a term used to describe processes in which systems of pre-existing components form an organized structure as a consequence of specific, local interactions among the components themselves, without external direction. IBM is developing ways to use this in the chipmaking process

Helping to keep Moore’s Law alive and well--as shown in recent news--are IBM scientist who have developed a self-assembly technique where microscopic processing structures can develop independently. New York Times author Michael Fitzgerald describes the scientists’ technique:

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Kelly says IBM is developing a number of ways to use self-assembly in other parts of the chipmaking process.

Richard Doherty, director of the engineering consultant group Envisioneering, says self-assembly techniques should also greatly reduce the number of defective chips, helping to give fabs better returns.

The techniques could lead to more dramatic advances. Alain E. Kaloyeros, professor of nanoelectronics at SUNY Albany, says self-assembling nanotechnology will make it possible to etch a computer onto a pair of glasses, or to create "nanobots" that can float in our bloodstreams, searching for cancerous cells that the bots will then eliminate.

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Reality Crowd » Blog Archive » Moore’s Law and the Future of Computing
Trying to put new zip into Moore's Law | CNET
IBM Press room - Using Self Assembly to Create Airgap Microprocessors - United States
IBM Press room - 2007-05-03 IBM Brings Nature to Computer Chip Manufacturing - United States
IBM Research | Press Resources | IBM demos new nanotechnology method to build chip components
Small Times - IBM's directed self-assembly one facet in broad nanotech program