

iLeonardo -- Collect, Discover and Share

A new human powered search engine which allows individuals to collect links and then share, compare, and discover information for further exploration.
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iLeonardo taps into the wisdom of the community

iLeonardo (not to be confused with anything from Apple) is a social utility that connects people and their collections of information on the Web. It’s part shared bookmarking and social network, and part of the growing number of Web sites that are leveraging the wisdom of the community.

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Product Description
iLeonardo is a Social Utility to connect people and similar collections of information on the web. People use iLeonardo to discover, collect and share information on the web - in return the utility displays similar notebooks that other people have created and made public. iLeonardo combines search methodologies, social bookmarks and social networks to produce relevant search results and ranking determined by searchers — not publishers. Concept and Business: Collaborative Search produces more relevant search results and better ad targeting.
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connect people and similar collections of information on the web. Use iLeonardo to discover, collect, and share information on the web.">

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