

Posey a smart Lego-like computer tool

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed "Posey," a new way of interacting with computers: plastic pieces are snapped together, an exact copy of the construction appears on a computer screen.
New Scientist Technology

Smart 'Lego' conjures up virtual 3D twin

If you gave Lego brains, you might get something like Posey, a new hands-on way of interacting with computers developed at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US.

When Posey's plastic pieces are snapped together, an exact copy of the construction appears on a computer screen. Every twist of, say, a stick figure's arm is mirrored in 3D modelling software.

To see Posey in action, skip to one quarter of the way through this video clip (65mb, mp4 format) showing one of the researchers at a public meeting.

clipped from


assembling a teddy bear puppet with posey
acetylene modeled with posey

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Smart 'Lego' conjures up virtual 3D twin - tech - 31 January 2008 - New Scientist Tech
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