

ZiiTrend -- Predict Future Events

About ZiiTrend, a user-driven online community for predicting future events and trends.
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1. What is ZiiTrend?

A community where you can predict future events, share your thoughts and train your mind.

  • What will happen?

    Wonder what will happen in the future? You can browse and search for prediction topics, or create a new prediction topic yourself.

  • Predict together

    Predict the future together with other Ziibos. Join us to experience the power of social prediction with better forecast and knowledge discovery.

  • See the future

    See the Ziibos' prediction before the event happens, and keep track of your own prediction score afterwards.

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Featured Hot Predictions

When will the US House Prices Rebound Up?

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Will Chad gov ceasefire with Rebel Fighters?

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How much will Microsoft pay for the Yahoo takeover?

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