

Exmocare -- Emotion technology

A biosensor watch that it tracks vital signs and the emotion of the wearer. Vital alerts are sent directly to email, cell phone, or IM client.
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Biosensor Wristwatch Aids Elderly

ExmoCare is a Bluetooth-enabled biosensor wristwatch for the elderly that allows their caregivers to monitor their health remotely. The device provides automated reports on the subject’s vital signs, including pulse and heart rate, as well as emotional well being, assessing up to 10 different emotions such as agitated, relaxed and worried.
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By interpreting an information-rich, individually-tailored physiological context, we can determine the emotional state of a person wearing an Exmocare device.

Emotional information, very simply, can be characterized in two dimensions.

  • Arousal: How excited is the person?
  • Valence: How positive is the person?
  • Emotional implications of arousal and valence

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    Exmocare - Exmovere, LLC
    Exmocare - Personal Wellness Monitoring, Medical Emergency Response Monitoring for Seniors and People with Disabilities, Emotion Detection, Biosensor Development
    Biosensor Wristwatch Aids Elderly | Gadget Lab from
    Exmocare Biosensor Watch To Monitor Emotions - Coolbuzz