

Google Health

Web Site To Allow Storage Of Personal Health Records Online

Google, the California search-engine company, and the Cleveland Clinic — an Ohio medical institution with a reputation for quality care — recently announced they will collaborate on a pilot program to store patient records online.

The test program will allow 1,500 to 10,000 patient volunteers at the Cleveland Clinic to store certain records — information on prescriptions, allergies and laboratory test results — in a secure Google account. Patients will have passwords and only they will be able to access the medical records.

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Eric Schmidt gives the keynote speech at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Annual Conference in Orlando, on February 28, 2008.

Google To Announce Web Site To Allow Storage Of Personal Health Records Online
Advancing health IT - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Business & Technology | Online health records raise privacy worries | Seattle Times Newspaper
Official Google Blog: Google Health, a first look