About the Milner AirCar, a vehicle with foldable main wing in the rear which makes it a flying car.
We are also working on the Milner AirCar. The patented Milner AirCar will be a completely self-contained four-door, four to five-seat advanced-composite road-able aircraft (flying car) with foldable main wing in the rear of the vehicle and a canard in the front. There are a half dozen design issues that must be solved when building a flying car. Solving these competing and conflicting design issues has been a formidable obstacle, and the primary reason no one has yet succeeded in building a viable flying car. The Milner AirCar has demonstrated solutions to each of these design issues. |
Milner Motors | Transforming Transportation
milner aircar
Milner AirCar a flying car that looks more like a DIY project - Newlaunches.com
New York preview: Milner ElectriCar and AirCar - Latest Car News from 4Car
DVICE: Drive a flying car that looks like you built it yourself