

Solar-power paint

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Colourful Idea Sparks Renewable Electricity From Paint

ScienceDaily (Mar. 6, 2008) — Researchers at Swansea University are developing a new, eco-friendly technology that could generate as much electricity as 50 wind farms.

Dr Dave Worsley (right) and Dr Trystan Watson of the Materials Research Centre at Swansea University, investigating the efficiency of new solar cells under a Dyesol Solar Simulator. (Credit: Image courtesy of Swansea University)
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Swansea University

Colourful idea sparks renewable electricity from paint

Dr Dave Worsley

"One of our Engineering Doctorate students was researching how sunlight interacts with paint and degrades it, which led to us developing a new photovoltaic method of capturing solar energy."

Unlike conventional solar cells, the materials being developed at Swansea are more efficient at capturing low light radiation, meaning that they are better suited to the British climate.

For more information about the School of Engineering at Swansea University visit

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