

Dynamic data in Google Earth

The new version 4.3 of Google Earth provides many new features, including the day/night effect a clouds layer, dynamic data of traffic, weather, news and more.
We've done several dynamic things already: traffic, weather, news courtesy of the New York Times, and YouTube. But don't wait for us to create more dynamic data - we've always believed that the greatest content is created by our users. Through the magic of Network Links in KML, any dataset can be set to auto-update at whatever interval is appropriate. The KML Gallery has several great examples, such as real-time earthquakes and current air quality.
Google Lat Long blog - News and Notes by the Google Earth and Maps team
you can now animate the Earth through different times of day! Check out how much more dramatic these hills look during sunset:
My favorite image is one of the Earth from space, overlaid with the cloud layer, and with the sun mode turned on:
If you're running the latest version of Google Earth, you'll notice a new "Weather" folder in the layers panel:
All the news that’s fit to print on a map: The New York Times in Google Earth
Real time Traffic in Google Earth
clipped from
Real-time Earthquakes
clipped from
Current Air Quality

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