

NTT Firmo Card -- Contactless Authentication

A new product, called “Firmo,” consists of a card-sized transmitter carried in the user’s pocket. The card converts stored data into a weak electric field that extends across the body. When the user touches an object embedded with a compatible receiver a signal returned to the device allows contactless authentication

NTT Firmo transmits data through skin

RedTacton human area network -- NTT has begun selling a device that transmits data across the surface of the human body and lets users communicate with electronic devices simply by touching them, the company announced on April 23.

Firmo is based on NTT’s RedTacton human area network (HAN) technology, which is designed to allow convenient human-machine data exchange through natural physical contact — even through clothing, gloves and shoes.

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Figure 1: RedTacton PC card prototype
Figure 1: RedTacton PC card prototype

Figure 2: Principle of RedTacton Communication
Figure 2: Principle of RedTacton Communication

NTT initially hopes this human area network technology will appeal to organizations looking to boost convenience and security in the office. Obvious applications include secure entrances and keyless cabinets that recognize employees when they touch the door handle (thus bypassing the need for card-swipers and keys), or secure printers that operate only when you touch them.

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NTT Firmo transmits data through skin ::: Pink Tentacle
News Release 050218
Human Body Might Replace Contactless IC Card -- Tech-On!
NTT Firmo allows you to communicate with your gadgets by touch only - by Gadget, shop online blog of
NTT Firmo Turns Your Skin Into A Data Network | Gadget Lab from