

Vivaty 3-D chat rooms and social environments

Vivaty wants to offer a smaller but easier to access version of multiplayer platforms like Second Life.
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New York Times

Vivaty, a start-up based in Menlo Park, Calif., is creating 3-D virtual chat rooms that people can add to the Web pages and social networking profiles on the sites where they spend most of their Internet time.

Vivaty turns a flat profile page into a three-dimensional live chat room. Users choose characters to represent themselves from a list of preternaturally handsome avatars — a requirement for any such service — and proceed to one of a dozen environments, like a gothic urban warehouse or seaside villa.

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Grab your photos and videos - any image from the web - and you're in. Hang out, chat with friends, watch videos, listen to music, and more. Jump from scene to scene with anyone you invite, your Facebook friends are just clicks away. It's all in the browser, no waiting for big downloads to install. You'll be saying "your place or mine?" in no time.

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Welcome to Vivaty | Easy Virtual Scenes
Online Chat, as Inspired by Real Chat - New York Times
Dreaming of a 3-D Web - Bits - Technology - New York Times Blog