

WebEx PCNow -- Access your PC from anywhere

About WebEx: a web service that allows remote acces to your PC or Mac from any internet connected mobile device.

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How It Works

WebEx PCNow gives you access to your PC or Mac regardless of where you are. From any Internet-connected computer or mobile phone, you can quickly, easily and securely access and control your PC or Mac.

  1. Sign up for a PCNow account.
  2. Download and install the PCNow software on the computer you want to access remotely.
  3. Login at from another computer or your Web-enabled mobile phone to access your computer.
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Remote desktop control
Fast and easy setup
Total security
Mac/PC cross-platform
Guest screen sharing
Remote webcam access
Remote printing
File sync and transfer
Remote sound
Multi-monitor support

Mobile Access

Mobile access to
your files and folders
Mobile organizer
Share files from your
computer or mobile phone
Mobile search

Remote Storage

Secure online storage

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Free 30 Day PCNow Trial
How Remote Access Works, Remote Desktop, Remote Software: PCNow
Features of PC Remote Access Software, Remote Desktop: PCNow
WebEx PCNow 4 - Reviews and free Remote Access downloads at
Webex PC Now remote access software review - PC Advisor
PCNow Remote Access reviews - CNET Reviews
WebEx PCNow - Reviews and free WebEx PCNow downloads at