

4D Ionosphere on Google Earth

NASA has just released CAPS, which is short for Communication Alert and Prediction System. This system enables that anyone can get a model of the Earth’s Ionosphere live.
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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science@NASA Web Site
4D Ionosphere
April 30, 2008: Today, NASA-funded researchers released
to the general public a new "4D" live model of Earth's
ionosphere. Without leaving home, anyone can fly through the
layer of ionized gas that encircles Earth at the edge of space
itself. All that's required is a connection to the Internet.
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How to Launch the 4D Ionosphere
"One, download and install Google Earth."
"Two, visit our web site and click on the link 'Total Electron Content.'"

Wait for the file to load and presto—you're flying through the ionosphere. A typical screenshot looks like this:

blog it

via: CAPS: A '4D' Model of our Ionosphere - Instablogs
NASA - Explore the Ionosphere (from the safety of your own home)
NASA - How to Launch the 4D Ionosphere
CAPS - Communication Alert Planning System