"Cloud computing" means - in contrast to the traditional notion of a supercomputer, with many locally connected processors - a collection of computing resources will residing somewhere on the web connected and used as needed.
Some clips about a direction in which the information infrastructure seems to be moving:
Defining cloud computing
Ask a dozen people what "cloud computing" means and you'll get a dozen different answers,
Cloud computing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cloud computing or Server Cloud, gained attention in 2007 as it became a popular solution to the problem of horizontal scalability.
The architecture behind cloud computing is a massive network of "cloud servers" interconnected as if in a grid running in parallel, sometimes using the technique of virtualization to maximize computing power per server.
Inside the emerging world of cloud computing
What cloud computing really means
Early experiments in cloud computing A step closer to the integrated cloud Amazon's cloud computing service fuels startup's launch How the Google-Apple Cloud Computer Will Work
Google and the Wisdom of Clouds
May 5, 2008
Cloud computing
Are there dangers to having information infrastructure, software and services hosted on the internet rather than on our own personal computers?
Cloud computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGrid computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaInfoWorld Special Report 97481 ArchivesGoogle and the Wisdom of CloudsAmazon Web Services @ Amazon.comTechnology Review: Computer in the CloudCloud computing - Times Online