

Google considers investment in Geothermal Energy

Google is in discussions with Israeli geothermal company Ormat Technologies about a possible investment in so called enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). The EGS concept is to extract heat by creating a subsurface fracture system to which water can be added through injection wells.

Hot Rocks Geothermal: Google Looks to Invest

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Executives at Google have been clear that so-called enhanced geothermal is on the list of technologies they see as cost effective, compared with fossil fuel energy.

The idea behind enhanced, or engineered, geothermal systems is to inject water underground to enhance the permeability of rock, allowing for the release and capture of more heat.

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Geothermal Power » What is Geothermal?

The Advantages of Geothermal Energy are Enormous:
  • harnesses a natural locally available energy source
  • provides an environmentally friendly energy alternative avoiding fossil fuel combustion
  • produces no nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions and significantly lower levels of CO2 than conventional fossil fuels
  • baseload electricity 24/7 year-round supply with high reliability
  • as a local energy source, provides security of energy supply and price, reducing need for importation of fuel

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Al Fin: Hot Rocks Geothermal: Google Looks to Invest
Google eyes Israeli geothermal firm Ormat | Green Tech - CNET
Ormat Technologies, Inc. - Geothermal, Geothermal Energy, Geothermal Company, Geothermal Power Plants, Geothermal Resource, Geothermal Technology, Green Energy, Organic Rankine Cycle
Geothermal, Geothermal Energy, Geothermal Company, Geothermal Power Plants, Geothermal Resource, Geothermal Technology, Green Energy
Geothermal Technologies Program: How an Enhanced Geothermal System Works