

Universal SIM Unlock Card

Looking to unlock your iPhone, Blackberry, Nokia or Motorola? USB Fever is offering a $23 universal unlock card made of a very thin piece of FPC. Simply fit your SIM card on top of it.

USB Fever releases Universal SIM Unlock Card for iPhone

imageUSB Fever has released the Universal SIM Unlock Card, an US$22.99 card for unlocking the iPhone.
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This SIM unlock is with A&B Modes. This version will unlock MOST GSM phones in the market now and works with 3G cards.

This SIM unlock is made of a very thin piece of FPC (0.10mm) with a Microcontroller mounted on, that goes between your Operator's SIM card & the phone's SIM socket.

Because of it's very thin & slim design it fits into almost all phone's on the market and can also be easily removed again. It's got Gold Immersion and makes perfect contact with the card and the socket at ALL times.

Cutting of your Operator's SIM card is required but kept to a minimum. (there are products on the market claiming that no cutting is required to use them, however they don?t give a reliable connection between the phone and the SIM card so that in certain cases it might not work at all or you might get problems during usage)

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Macenstein | The Universal SIM Unlock Card - Now with iPhone goodness!
» Universal SIM Unlock Card - Funny + Gadget + Great for USB, 1394/Firewire, SATA stuff, iPod & iPhone, PDA / Cellphone accessories and headphones / earphones