

HoloVizio 3D Screen

The HoloVizio 3-D screen uses a display technology based upon voxels instead of pixels. As a result objects seen from different positions wiil show up in a different perspective with no need for goggles or other stereoscopic tricks. Moreover gesture recognition allows observers to manipulate the objects by waving their hands in front of the screen.

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Holodeck 1.0? Star Trek-style 3-D displays make their debut

The HoloVizio displays an oil rig in 3-D. Image: © Coherent project.

The HoloVizio is a 3-D screen that will allow designers to visualise true 3-D models of cars, engines or components. Better yet, gesture recognition means that observers can manipulate the models by waving their hands in front of the screen. The function offers enormous scope for collaboration across the globe.

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HoloVizio™ - Star Wars
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HoloVizio™ - Introduction
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Real 3D display by Holografika

HoloVizio 128WD in operation

HoloVizio 640RC (1,8m screen diagonal) in operation
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Technology Principles
Each pixel (voxel) of the display able to emit light beams at a different colour and intensity to the various directions.

Links and Information

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ICT Results - Holodeck 1.0? Star Trek-style 3-D displays make their debut
HOLOGRAFIKA - Real 3D Displays
Slashdot | HoloVizio 3D, Holodeck 1.0 to Some, Makes Its Debut
Displays: HoloVizio True 3D Display Uses Voxels, No Goggles
Star Trek HoloDeck 1.0 - HoloVizio 3D Makes Its Debut | Scientific Blogging

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