

Sega, Hasbro's A.M.P Robot

The A.M.P. (Automated Musical Personality) wheeled robot can follow you around and play music wherever you go. Using the remote, you can easily manage all of his movements and cycle through five different modes: Dance, Track, Drive, Park and Follow.
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Sega, Hasbro unveil new dancing robot

The A.M.P will retail for 80,000 yen (745 dollars) and can be hooked up to an MP3 player or iPod

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  •  A.M.P. Automated Music Personality press release

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    A.M.P. Automated Music Personality press release


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    A.M.P. Robot Makes Your Music Follow You

    This child-sized bot from Hasbro can dance, follow, and blast tunes with a serious set of speakers.

    Designed primarily as a high-styled entertainment bot for music-obsessed teens and adults (16 to 25 years old), A.M.P. (which stands for Automated Musical Personality) balances on two wheels and will follow his remote or roam around the house while blasting music from a high-fidelity, three-speaker system.

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    Palm-Sized Remote
    Palm-Sized Remote
    Remote Attached
    Remote Attached
    A.M.P. Bot - Side View
    A.M.P. Bot - Side View
    A.M.P. Bot - Left Side
    A.M.P. Bot - Left Side
    A.M.P. Bot - Backside
    A.M.P. Bot - Backside
    A.M.P. Bot with Stand Down
    A.M.P. Bot with Stand Down

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    Tiger Electronics
    A.M.P. music-playing gyroscopic-dancing companion robot - SlashGear
    A.M.P. Robot Makes Your Music Follow You - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
    AFP: Sega, Hasbro unveil new dancing robot
    ampbot: like a robot on a segway with a boom box on [technabob]
    Sega-Hasbro's Ampbot: the dancing bot -