

All about Knol

Knol is a Google project which aims to include user-written articles on various topics. After its first alpha phase in December last year is now available to everyone.
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Welcome to Knol

A knol is an authoritative article about a specific topic.
Here are some examples of knols.
  • Featured Knols
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    Buttermilk Pancakes

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    Pediatric Sports Injuries

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  • Learn More

  • Knol makes it easy for you to write and share your knowledge
    with the world.

    Knol offers:

    • Ease of use
      All you need is an account, a name and a desire to write and we'll take care of the rest.

    • Control
      You specify the level of collaboration you want with the community. Your knol, your voice.

    • Community
      You can connect with other experts in your area of interest to share and grow knowledge.

    • Visibility
      We value and promote authorship. Great content will be visible on any search engine.

    • Growth
      Sharing your knowledge with the world is rewarding for everyone.

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    Google Operating System

    Share Your Expertise in Google's Knol

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    Google Blogoscoped

    Google Knol Is Live

    Search Engine Journal

    Google Decides to Make its Knol Site a Moderated Wikipedia

    Search Engine Land!

    Google's Knol Launches: Like Wikipedia, With Moderation

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    Google Knol is now Open to Everyone

    blog it
    Knol: a unit of knowledge
    Share Your Expertise in Google's Knol
    Google Knol Is Live
    Knol: Google Takes on Wikipedia - ReadWriteWeb
    Google Decides to Make its Knol Site a Moderated Wikipedia
    Google's Knol Launches: Like Wikipedia, With Moderation
    Google Knol is now Open to Everyone
    Knol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia