

A Greener Apple

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iPhone 3G to be shipped in eco-friendly packaging: spuds

Apple's new iPhone 3G will be shipped on July 11 in a potato starch paper tray. Apple placed an order with Dutch company PaperFoam, which also makes packages for Motorola.

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PaperFoam Carbon Friendly Packaging

For an introduction to our technological innovations throughout the years, please watch this video.

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A Greener Apple

Weight Recycled as % of Past Sales

Chart shows an upward trend starting with 1.5% in 2002, up to an actual 9.5% in 2006, and an estimated 28% in 2010.

By 2010, Apple may be recycling significantly more than either Dell or HP as a percentage of past sales weight.

All the e-waste we collect in North America is processed in the U.S., and nothing is shipped overseas for disposal.
Apple products are designed using high quality materials that are in high demand from recyclers.

Steve Jobs

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iPhone 3G to be shipped in eco-friendly packaging: spuds - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
iPhone will ship in green packaging | The Register
Apple - A Greener Apple
B R I G H T :: iPhone 3G verpakt in Nederlandse aardappelen