

Soccer for Humanoid Robots

The Darmstadt Dribblers, a team of autonomous soccer playing robots developed by a research group of the Univeristy of Darmstadt, videos and some info.
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Darmstadt Dribblers

Two soccer playing humanoid robots.
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RoboCup 2008 Humanoid League: Cooperation and Teamplay by DD
This video shows teamplay/cooperation and obstacle avoidance by the autonomous humanoid robots of the Darmstadt Dribblers team. The robots negotiate their roles via wifi, with the robot closest to the ball selecting the striker role and the other one staying back as supporter. Striker Isra then kicks the ball past the opponent and finally scores.
After scoring the goal our robots can be seen cheering.

Visit for further information, pictures and videos.
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Humanoid robots show emotional reactions at RoboCup 2006

Current Research Topics

High performance locomotion

Bionic robots and new actuators

Software and control architectures tailored for heterogeneous teams of autonomous robots

Lightweight robots described by low payload capabilities

Robot localization

Programming of robot and team behavior using discrete, hierarchical state automata

GameController / Referee Box for RoboCup Humanoid League

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Darmstadt Dribblers - FG Simulation, Systemoptimierung und Robotik - TU Darmstadt