

Extraterrestrial Radio Signals -- Aliens or No Aliens?

Radio signals from far beyond the solar system were detected recently with the aid of a specially built radio telescope. Are they from an alien source?

The Project

Clipped from: Indlebe Radio Telescope Project Website

In 2006 the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Durban University of Technology (DUT) embarked on an ambitious project to design, construct and test a radio telescope operating at the Hydrogen Line frequency of 1420MHz with the intention of having a fully functional radio telescope operational on the campus by 2009 to coincide with the IYA.

The aims of the project are:

  • To provide a real world system for research in the field of radio astronomy in general and optimization of low noise radio frequency receiver systems in particular.
  • To provide a vehicle to increase awareness and interest of secondary school leavers in the field of science and technology.
  • To promote local awareness of the celebration of the International Year of Astronomy in 2009.

The first results

Clipped from: Indlebe Radio Telescope

Press Release - 4 August 2008

DUT Indlebe Radio Telescope Sees First Light

On the evening of 28th July 2008, at 21h14 local time the Indlebe Radio Telescope, situated on the Steve Biko campus of the Durban University of Technology, successfully detected its first radio source from beyond the solar system. A strong source was detected from Sagittarius A, the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, approximately 30 thousand light years away.


Clipped from: RussiaToday : Features : Aliens calling? Signals detected from beyond Solar System Signals detected from beyond Solar System

August 12, 2008, 15:53

Aliens calling? Signals detected from beyond Solar System

Scientists in South Africa have detected radio signals from beyond the solar system for the first time – prompting a wave of excitement over who, or what, might have sent it. The signal is the most significant of its kind since radio telescopes started operating in the 1960s.

The discovery was made by the Indlebe Radio Telescope at Durban’s Technology University.

A strong radio signal, possibly of alien origin, was detected at around 21:14 local time on July 28. It came from Sagittarius A, the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, approximately 30,000 light years away.

Probably not

Clipped from: Indlebe Radio Telescope

It should be noted that this is not an intelligent source, i.e. it is not a source that could be considered as having been transmitted by alien intelligence. Furthermore, it is certainly not a new discovery. The electromagnetic radiation emanating from Sagittarius A is well documented and an entirely natural phenomenon. A similar signal, although of a much larger magnitude, would be received by simply pointing the telescope at the Sun.

Indlebe Radio Telescope Project Website
Indlebe Radio Telescope
The Witness
RussiaToday : Features : Aliens calling? Signals detected from beyond Solar System
Aliens calling? Signals detected from beyond Solar System | The News is
No, An Alien Radio Signal Has Not Been Detected |