

Pelamis Wave Power

Pelamis Wave Power Ltd is the manufacturer of a unique system to generate renewable electricity from ocean waves. Its first wave farm, located off the coast of Portugal, was opened in September of 2008.
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Pelamis Wave Energy Converter

The Pelamis Wave Energy Converter is a technology that uses the motion of ocean surface waves to create electricity. The machine is made up of connected sections which flex and bend as waves pass, it is this motion which is used to generate electricity.

Developed by the Scottish company Pelamis Wave Power (formally Ocean Power Delivery), it was the world’s first commercial scale machine to generate electricity into the grid from offshore wave energy and the first to be used in commercial wave farm project.[1] The first full scale prototype was successfully installed and generated electricity to the UK grid at the European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney, Scotland in August 2004.[2] The first wave farm, located off the coast of Portugal, was officially opened in September of 2008.[3]

Pelamis in Portugal - world’s first, most ambitious, working wave farm, now generating electricity for 1,500 homes

moored a few miles offshore, four of these floating plants from Ocean Power Delivery power a town in northern Portugal. The Pelamis converts wave motion into pneumatic pressure to drive a set of turbines
Pelamis Wave Power Generator
Pelamis Wave Farm - world’s most ambitious, working wave farm for generating electricity
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Pelamis Wave Power

Pelamis Wave Power

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Pelamis Wave Energy Converter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pelamis in Portugal - world’s first, most ambitious, working wave farm, now generating electricity for 1,500 homes | WcP Blog
Welcome - PelamisWave
Turning the Tide on Harnessing the Ocean's Abundant Energy: Scientific American
Wave of the future for alternative energy? | GreenTech Pastures |