

Robot Mimics Facial Expressions

New Scientist Technology

Mummy, that robot is making faces at me

Robotics engineers at the University of Bristol, UK, have been grimacing a lot recently, thanks to their copycat robotic head, Jules, which can mimic the facial expressions and lip movements of a human being.

Jules is an animatronic head produced by US roboticist David Hanson, who builds uniquely expressive, disembodied heads with flexible rubber skin that is moved by 34 servo motors.

Human face movements are picked up by a video camera and mapped onto the tiny electronic motors in Jules' skin.

The Bristol team developed its own software to transfer expressions recorded by the video camera into commands to make those servos produce similarly realistic facial movements.

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BRL is now engaged in research into how humans and robots interact and exploit representations of ‘emotional’ state using visual and physical cues as well as non-verbal

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Mummy, that robot is making faces at me - robots - 29 October 2008 - New Scientist Tech
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