

Tongue Control

Technology Review - Published By MIT

Tongue Control

Sensory feedback via the tongue might improve neural prostheses.

Brain machines: A volunteer tests a brain-computer interface being developed at the University of Wisconsin. It consists of an electroencephalogram (EEG) cap that records brain activity and a device that stimulates the tongue. The position of the yellow ball on the screen is represented in electrical activity on the volunteer’s tongue. The volunteer uses brain activity (imagined movements) to move the ball to the red target.
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Tongue Control Technology

How it works
Tongue motions inside the mouth produce traceable acoustic patterns in the ear canal. Different types of movement, differing in location and speed, produce unique patterns. To use tongue movements for device control, repeatable and comfortable movements, which produce consistent acoustic patterns, need to be identified. As an example, the figure below shows three different tongue motions and the corresponding acoustic signals.

To further understand this technology, please view the two video

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Technology Review: Tongue Control
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Think-A-Move, Ltd. Tongue Control
Think-A-Move, Ltd.