

Neuromarketing and Buyology

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neuromarketing is a new field of marketing that studies consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. Researchers use technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure changes in activity in parts of the brain, electroencephalography (EEG) to measure activity in specific regional spectra of the brain response, and/or sensors to measure changes in one's physiological state (heart rate, respiratory rate, galvanic skin response) to learn why consumers make the decisions they do, and what part of the brain is telling them to do it.

Clipped from: NEUROMARKETING: The new science of marketing without marketing

Clipped from: Neuromarketing: What's it all about?

Neuromarketing: What's it all about?

From a talk of the same name delivered to the inaugural Australian Neuromarketing Symposium at Swinburne University (Melbourne) in February 2007.

By Max Sutherland

Neuromarketing is an applied extension of neuroscience. The application of brain-scan technology to marketing, especially the use of fMRI (see inset), gave rise to the term.

First encounters

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Keys to Neuromarketing

Christophe Morin, co-author of Neuromarketing: Understanding the Buy Buttons in Your Customer's Brain, says entrepreneurs can improve their products, services, marketing and advertising by learning six keys to neuromarketing. These tenets stem from Morin's argument that most purchase decisions are made subconsciously, in the nether regions of the mind he calls the primal brain, areas where basic fight-or-flight instincts kick in. We buy, he says, out of fear.
  1. We're self-centered: Nothing triggers self-centered action like a transaction. "People are completely egocentric and all they want is something that will create a difference in their lives, eliminate pain and possibly bring them more pleasure," Morin says.
  2. We crave contrast: "The bottom line is, on any given day, we will receive about 10,000 ad messages, and only the ones that are huge contrasts will get any attention," he says.
  3. We're naturally lazy: Abstract advertising and marketing won't get through. Keep it simple, but strong. "Most companies tend to create abstract messages and use too many words," Morin says. "Reading is much more a function of the 'new brain.' We recommend that, of course, companies use a lot of concrete visuals."
  4. We like stories: Advertising and marketing with strong beginnings and ends create anchor points that we latch onto, so Morin advises entrepreneurs to sum up and recap their strongest selling points at the end of any promotional material. "The brain has a natural tendency to pay attention at the beginning and end of anything," he says.
  5. We're visual: Appealing video and graphic presentations can make the difference at cash registers where price and reason can't. "We process and make decisions visually, without being aware of them," Morin says. "Only later do we rationalize decisions we made."
  6. Emotion trumps reason: Give us the right emotion to ride on, and we'll buy what you're selling. "When we experience an emotion," he says, "it creates a chemical change in our brain, hormones flood our brain and change the speeds with which neurons connect, and it's through those connections we memorize. We don't remember anything if there isn't an emotion attached to that experience.

Dennis Romero

Clipped from: Buyology - Truth and Lies About Why We Buy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Buyology - Truth and Lies About Why We Buy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Buyology – Truth and Lies About Why We Buy (2008) is a bestseller [1] authored by Martin Lindstrom who tries to analyze what makes people buy. The author tries to identify the factors that influence buyers' decisions in a world which is cluttered with messages like advertisements, slogans, jingle, and celebrity endorsements. Lindstrom, through a study of the human psyche, throws light on the subconscious mind and how that plays a major role in deciding what the buyer will buy. In doing so, Lindstrom breaks a number of existing myths related to advertising and promotion.

Clipped from: Buyology - Martin Lindstrom's Latest Book

Clipped from: BUYOLOGY INTRO - Video

BUYOLOGY INTRO - Click here for more home videos
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Buyology ~ Religion

Clipped from: The science of shopping | The way the brain buys | The Economist

The science of shopping

The way the brain buys

Retailers are making breakthroughs in understanding their customers’ minds. Here is what they know about you

IT MAY have occurred to you, during the course of a dismal trawl round a supermarket indistinguishable from every other supermarket you have ever been into, to wonder why they are all the same. The answer is more sinister than depressing. It is not because the companies that operate them lack imagination. It is because they are all versed in the science of persuading people to buy things—a science that, thanks to technological advances, is beginning to unlock the innermost secrets of the consumer’s mind.
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Buyology 1 of 2

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Buyology 2 of 2

Neuromarketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Buyology - Truth and Lies About Why We Buy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neuromarketing: What's it all about?
Buyology - Martin Lindstrom's Latest Book
The science of shopping | The way the brain buys | The Economist
Mind Hacks: It's not a supermarket, it's a behavioural science lab
This Is Your Brain On Shopping -


JavaFX -- Rich Internet Experience for all Screens

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Clipped from: Sun Ships JavaFX Rich Internet Application Platform

Sun Ships JavaFX Rich Internet Application Platform

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JavaFX SDK is Now Availabile!

JavaFX is an expressive rich client platform for creating and delivering rich Internet experiences across all the screens of your life.

JavaFX offers users unparalleled freedom and flexibility to create rich Internet applications and content quickly and easily across multiple screens, including mobile phones, desktops, televisions, and other consumer devices. JavaFX combines the best capabilities of the Java platform with comprehensive, immersive media functionality into an intuitive and comprehensive, one-stop development environment.

At a Glance

  • JavaFX is an expressive platform that provides a unified development and deployment model for building rich client applications that integrate immersive media including audio and video, graphics, rich text and web services. JavaFX allows creative developers to program in a visual context thus helping them to bring their ideas to life quicker and easier.
  • JavaFX technology features a high-performance declarative scripting language, JavaFX Script, for building and delivering the next generation of rich Internet applications for desktop, mobile, TV, and other consumer platforms. To bridge the gap between user experience design and programming logic, JavaFX technology will provide a suite of tools and authoring solutions that enable unprecedented collaboration between designers and developers.
  • JavaFX technology provides the presentation layer for the Java ecosystem: Java developers can team up with their designer colleagues to create new and unique content that combines the best of today's advanced enterprise software and rich Internet applications.
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JavaOne 2008: JavaFX Demos


Sun Ships JavaFX Rich Internet Application Platform
JavaFX | Rich Internet Applications Development | RIAs Java FX
JavaFX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
openjfx: Home

About Cloud Computing

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rPath delivers "Cloud Computing in Plain English," an irreverent and instructive look at cloud that will make sense to techie and non-techie alike.

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Cloud Computing in Plain English

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Cloud computing

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computational resources from a location other than your current one. In its most used context it is Internet-based ("cloud") development and use of computer technology ("computing"). The cloud is a metaphor for the Internet, based on how it is depicted in computer network diagrams, and is an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it conceals.[1]
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The cloud computing landscape

In recent months, there's been an explosion of investment into cloud computing and related infrastructure. This massive investment indicates that there is demand for virtualization of resources inside the cloud.
Cloud computing layers with offerings

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Cloud computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What cloud computing really means | InfoWorld | Analysis | 2008-04-07 | By Galen Gruman,Eric Knorr
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
Cloudcomputing with Linux
rPath enables virtual appliances for cloud computing


General Fusion: Generating Nuclear Fusion

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General Fusion is a venture capital funded company that is taking an acoustic wave approach to magnetized target fusion (MTF). The approach is to have a sphere surrounded by steam pistons that drive a pressure wave inward to generate fusion compressions twice every second. They have performed some actual proof of concept experiments at 25 times slower piston speed and performed full scale computer simulations.
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This Machine Might* Save the World

Two desktop-printer engineers quit their jobs to search for the ultimate source of endless energy: nuclear fusion. Could this highly improbable enterprise actually succeed?

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The energy from all power sources (except nuclear fission and geothermal) ultimately comes from the sun. The sun itself produces its energy from a process called fusion.

Fusion Basics

Fusion is the process where two light nuclei collide and fuse to form a heavier nucleus. A large amount of energy is released in the process and the most suitable reaction occurs between the nuclei of two heavy forms (isotopes) of hydrogen; deuterium and tritium. After fusing, helium and a neutron are produced.

Magnetic Fusion

One of the approaches considered to achieve fusion is to trap the plasma in a magnetic field. The negative electrons and positive nuclei in the plasma will spin around magnetic lines but diffuse only slowly across them. The best magnetic machine loops the magnetic line into a doughnut shaped region. So the particles spiral along the field line, go around the doughnut and cannot easily escape. This arrangement is called a Tokamak.

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Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)

A different approach is to fill a small (~1 cm) spherical shell of plastic or glass with a deuterium-tritium gas mixture. Intense lasers are fired all around the sphere, exploding the outside of the shell. The rest of the shell is accelerated inwards by the pressure of this explosion and compresses and heats the gas mixture to fusing conditions. The inertia of the imploding material alone keeps the plasma together for a short time. Because the hot plasma exists for only a very short time, it must be very dense to produce enough fusion reactions to make more energy than the laser energy.

Laser energy
Inward transported thermal energy

Magnetized Target Fusion

MTF is a fusion approach that is in between magnetized fusion (MF) and inertial confinement (ICF).
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General Fusion

General Fusion is using the MTF approach but with a new, patented and cost effective compression system to collapse the plasma.

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1. The impact of the pistons sends a compression wave reverberating through the liquid metal and toward the the plasma suspended by a magnetic field in the center.
2. The compression wave picks up speed as it hurtles toward the center, quickly becoming a shock wave powerful enough to compress the plasma quickly and violently.
3. The shock wave hits the plasma, a highly energetic stew of the hydrogen isotopes tritium and deuterium. The force is so great that the ions merge to form helium.
4. The fusion reaction hurls neutrons and alpha particles out through the liquid lead-lithium, creating heat that generates steam to power an electricity-producing turbine.

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Next Big Future: Update on General Fusion : Steam Punk Approach to Nuclear Fusion
This Machine Might* Save the World | Popular Science
General Fusion
Generating nuclear fusion
More money for fusion energy | News Blog - CNET News