

GoEverywhere A Cloud-Based Workspace

Clipped from: Symantec Launches GoEverywhere – Cloud-Based Workspace | CloudAve

Symantec Launches GoEverywhere – Cloud-Based Workspace

Symantec corp is launching their GoEverywhere beta product, an offering that they’re describing as;

a secure SaaS-based workspace that allows users to access their preferred third party web-based email, IM, office and other online applications from one central online location

Clipped from: Your Cloud Workspace - Symantec GoEverywhere | AzureJournal - Windows Azure Blog

New things you will be able to do with goEverywhere:

  • Connect to and work from the internet on the same desktop from any computer
  • Log into any location on the internet with one user name and password
  • Access to many free applications and services on the internet
  • Sharing of data, documents and photos
  • Keep your data in one, secure and shareable location

Things you won’t have to do if you use goEverywhere as your desktop:

  • Choose between a PC and Mac, your can use either or both
  • Buy common software titles and utilities
  • Install & update software applications
  • Backup your files (if you use the storage service)
  • Upgrade your OS
  • Migrate to Vista
Clipped from: Advantages - Your Personal Online Workspace-- Symantec GoEverywhere

Symantec | United States


Personal Online Workspace

Advanced workspace navigation

Zero Management

No need to backup,install,update or reboot.

Online Application Collections

Easy access to free software titles & rich media content

Single Secure Password

One password for all your online applications & storage

Clipped from: YouTube - Personal Cloud Computing

Personal Cloud Computing

Clipped from: YouTube - Introduction to the goEverywhere workspace

Introduction to the goEverywhere workspace

Clipped from: YouTube - Introduction to Open Places

Introduction to Open Places

Clipped from: YouTube - Setting up & using Safe Places

Setting up & using Safe Places

Symantec Launches GoEverywhere – Cloud-Based Workspace | CloudAve
Your Cloud Workspace - Symantec GoEverywhere | AzureJournal - Windows Azure Blog
Advantages - Your Personal Online Workspace-- Symantec GoEverywhere