

A Virus Nanomotor

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Clockwork That Drives Powerful Virus Nanomotor Discovered

ScienceDaily (Dec. 31, 2008) — Peering at structures only atoms across, researchers have identified the clockwork that drives a powerful virus nanomotor.

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Biologists learn structure, mechanism of powerful 'molecular motor' in virus

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The motor is needed to insert DNA into the capsid of the T4 virus, which is called a bacteriophage because it infects bacteria. The same kind of motor, however, also is likely present in other viruses, including the human herpes virus.

"Molecular motors in double-stranded DNA viruses have never been shown in such detail before," said Siyang Sun, a postdoctoral research associate working in Rossmann's lab.

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Purdue University

Biological Sciences


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National Science Foundation

Press Release 08-220
Viruses, Start Your Engines!

Researchers find what drives one of nature's powerful, nanoscale motors

Because of the motor's strength--to scale, twice that of an automobile--the new findings could inspire engineers designing sophisticated nanomachines. In addition, because a number of virus types may possess a similar motor, including the virus that causes herpes, the results may also assist pharmaceutical companies developing methods to sabotage virus machinery.

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Virus as Nano Motors Part 1 of 3

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Virus as Nano Motors Part 2 of 3

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Virus as Nano Motors Part 3 of 3

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Clockwork That Drives Powerful Virus Nanomotor Discovered
Biologists learn structure, mechanism of powerful 'molecular motor' in virus
Department Biological Sciences, Purdue University - Office of Legislative and Public Affairs (OLPA) News - Viruses, Start Your Engines! - US National Science Foundation (NSF)
Viruses, start your engines!
Biologists learn structure, mechanism of powerful viral 'molecular motor' - R & D
What Drives One Of Nature's Powerful, Nanoscale Motors? - Health - redOrbit