

Electrolysis Breakthrough for Storing Solar Energy

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MIT Energy Storage Discovery Could Lead to ‘Unlimited’ Solar Power

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MIT: Solar power storage discovery could mean energy nirvana

Researchers at MIT say they've made an energy storage breakthrough that could transform solar power from an alternative to a mainstream energy source. The university is calling the solar project a major advancement in energy research.

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Dr. Daniel Nocera: A new method of storing solar energy

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MIT Chemistry
Daniel G. Nocera

Daniel G. Nocera
The Henry Dreyfus Professor of Energy and Professor of Chemistry

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Electrolysis Breakthrough for Solar Storage

Historically, the platinum electrodes used in electrolysis work well for splitting off the hydrogen, but platinum works very poorly for oxygen. The MIT catalyst works well to allow the efficient liberation of the oxygen.

Image:Electrolysis animation Caltech-MIT bf32.gif

The new catalyst developed by MIT researchers consists of cobalt metal, phosphate and an electrode. When the catalyst is placed in water and electricity runs through the electrode, oxygen gas is produced.

Image:Nocera electrolysis chemistry diagram jp70.jpg
Image:Nocera solar system fuel cell diagram jp70.jpg

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MIT Professor: Power Your House With 5 Liters of Water Per Day : CleanTechnica
MIT Energy Storage Discovery Could Lead to ‘Unlimited’ Solar Power : CleanTechnica
MIT: Solar power storage discovery could mean energy nirvana
MIT Chemistry: Daniel G. Nocera
Directory:MIT:Daniel Nocera:Catalytic Electrolysis - PESWiki
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